Friday, December 27, 2013

December Daily - December 24

We opened our presents at home on Christmas Eve morning. Everyone was excited by their gifts. Claire loved getting so many more LaLaLoopsys, although she did pretty much want to go play the computer once we were done with presents. Anaya got her new cell phone & two cases for it. Justin got a new sleeping bag and two cds that he had been wanting. And I got new computer speakers (mine were seriously 10+ yrs old and crackled) and some yoga pants that I never want to take off.

After opening presents we had some breakfast - homemade cream cheese & strawberry cream cheese coffee cakes - they were so delicious and some bacon. Then the kids played with their new stuff and old stuff, I worked on activating Anaya's cell phone and we all just hung around for a while. Eventually, it was time to head over to my mom's house to do Christmas over there!

My parents had been working on a puzzle when we got I kind of took over because I have a small addiction to puzzles which is why I rarely do them because I'm stuck until it is done. Once my brother & his family arrived, we started passing out presents and opening them. Lots of awesomeness. Claire had a melt-down post present opening because (1) she wanted MORE presents and (2) we were making her pick up one toy before getting another out. So we all pretty much vacated my parents house to go home and get the kids back to happy and put away a some presents. Then we went back to my parents house so Anaya could open her stocking (before returning to her mom's house) and we ate dinner (soup!).

And that was our Christmas Eve. Lots of present opening. A few meltdowns from the younger children. It didn't help that my nephew (about 14 months) wasn't feeling good either.

30 Days Of Lists
I'm joining in on the 30 Days of Lists - December Edition challenge. Each day they post a list topic and then we make a list. Here is today's list:

Things I heard today...
  • Open presents NOW?!?! (Claire)
  • Go to Ga's NOW?!?! (Claire)
  • No Claire, not yet (Justin, Anaya & I)
  • This is so cool (Anaya)

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